What is the KBA?
The Kenmore Business Association (KBA, formally the Kenmore Merchants Association) is a 501(c)(6) Membership Based Nonprofit business organization that provides opportunities to connect to new customers and network to businesses through KBA sponsored events. The KBA’s mission is to bring its members opportunities to grow their sales and customer base. The KBA board consists of 15 volunteer board and at- large members.
Who can be a member?
The KBA membership is open to any business in WNY, including storefronts, home and web-based businesses.
What is the cost of the membership?
Membership dues are $75.00 and run from January 1 to December 31.
Sponsor the KBA?
The KBA Sponsorship is open to any business in WNY offering four levels of Sponsorship. Lean More: HERE Thank you for your consideration.
What are the events sponsored by the KBA?
- Discover Kenmore (June / July)
- Concert on the Green (July / August)
- State of the Village (Annual membership meeting, Board elections and Networking, November)
- Stop Sip and Shop Holiday Shopping (December).
What is the membership dues used for?
Membership dues helps defray the costs of events to make it affordable for its members. Monies go towards cost incurred for administration, printing, advertising, social media etc.
I am not a brick and mortar business- how can it help me?
The KBA has a very active social media team that highlights businesses and our events. By partnering with us through sharing and cross promoting, you will greatly increase your marketing reach, exposure, business branding and success. The KBA brings attention to your business by offering events that members can participate in. Members can also send their social media posts to kenmorebiz@gmail.com.
I live outside of the Village of Kenmore; can I still join?
Any business is welcome to join. The KBA has over 115 businesses from all over WNY.
What can the KBA do to help my business grow?
The KBA sponsors 2 major events with affordable registrations along with social media posts on facebook, twitter and instagram. Your business is also listed on the KBA website KenmoreBusiness.com. “FOLLOW” and connect with us for the full benefits of networking and partnership opportunities along with collaboration and discounts with other community associations. Village store fronts can host events to help gain more exposure, those that have had more activity from new customers.
Do KBA members get event registration discounts?
Yes, KBA members get pre-registration opportunity with a significant discount. Some events are only available to KBA members.